Advanced search offers a variety of options for searching. You can perform reverse searches, complex searches, or use a combination of search criteria and settings to locate the desired results.
To use a previously saved search criteria, see "Using search templates".
To perform an advanced search
On the Search menu, select Search for contacts.
Click the Advanced search tab.
Use the Search category drop-down list box to select the type of search criteria by which you want to search.
The Search criteria list displays the available search fields based on your selection.
Select a field to search.
On the Search
for list, select the values that you wish to search
for and click .
NOTE: Multi-selecting
(CTRL+click/Shift+click) items adds them to the Perform
search based on list separated by OR. To search for your selections
using AND, add each item one at a time. Each
click acts as one search criterion. For example, multi-select to search
for Smith OR Jones; single-select to search for Smith AND Jones.
To further refine your
search criteria, use the Return records
that [option] the following value(s) drop-down
list box and enter the value in the space provided. To search for one
value OR another, type as many values as desired, each separated by a
comma [,]. For example, type "Bob, Smith" to search for values
with either Bob OR Smith.) Click to add the search parameters to the Perform search based on list.
Tip: You can search on partial items. For example, conducting a search for "john" would also find names such as "Johnson". Also note that the search engine is not case sensitive.
Optionally do the following:
Repeat steps 3-6 to add further search parameters to the Perform search based on list.
To remove search
parameters from the Perform search based
on list, select an item and click .
To change the AND/OR operator, select the Modify AND/OR check box. Select the operator from the drop-down list and then clear the check box.
Click Clear Search if you need to start over. Click Yes to confirm.
Click Save Search to save the current search parameters for future use. See "Saving search templates".
Click Start search.
The Search results page appears, displaying any records that matched your search criteria. Optionally click Search results total in the bottom right corner of the page to see the total number of records generated by the search.