Click an item once to select it. It will appear highlighted.
Hold down the CTRL
key on your keyboard and click any additional items to select them
as well.
NOTE: Some lists purposely allow only one item to be selected
at a time.
To unselect an item, hold down the
CTRL key on
your keyboard and click items to unselect them. Unselected
items no longer appear highlighted.
To select a range of consecutive items, hold down the
SHIFT key on your keyboard, click
the first item in the desired range, then the last item in the range.
Every item between the two selected items will now be selected.
Some pages provide Select
All and Unselect
All links that can be used to select and unselect
all items in the list at once.
Some pages also include an Invert selection link, which is useful when it is faster to select items you don't want. Click the items you don't want, then click Invert selection to select everything else.